Touching the opponent's struck surface with the weapon is determined by the referee and the electrofixator.
The length of the sports rapier is up to 110 cm, the weight is up to 500 grams, the wrists are protected by a circular guard with a diameter of 12 cm.
The length of the sports saber is up to 105 cm, the weight is up to 500 g, the wrists are protected by a steel flexible trapezoidal guard.
The length of the sports epee is up to 110 cm, the weight is up to 700 g, it is a sharp weapon consisting of a triangular part with a flexible blade made of steel, the wrists are protected by a guard with a diameter of 13.5 cm.
In rapier fights, only stabs to the body are allowed, in sword fights all parts of the body except the nape of the neck not protected by a mask, and in sword fights all stabs or blows above the waist are allowed. Fights are held on a fencing path 14 m long and 1.8-2 m wide.
Athletes perform in light protective jackets covered with metallized fabric (rapira, sword), masks with metal mesh and gloves in the hand with the weapon.
- Döyüş qılıncoynatması – müxtəlif növ soyuq silahdan istifadə edə bilmə sənətidir. Əsl döyüşçünün həqiqi döyüşə hazırlığının bir hissəsidir;
- İdman qılıncoynatması – adından göründüyü kimi bu gün Avropa və dünya çempionatlarının keçirildiyi idman növüdür. Eləcə də, idman qılıncoynatması Olimpiya oyunlarının proqramına daxi edilib;
- Artistik qılıncoynatma – idman qılıncoynatmasının bir növüdür. İdmançıların əsas məqsədi həm tamaşaçılara, həm də hakimlərə əsl soyuq silahdan istifadə etməklə həqiqətəyaxın döyüş təqdim etməkdir;
- Tarixi qılıncoynatma – qədim döyüş texnikasıvə taktikası üzərində qururlub. Bundan başqa tarixi qılıncoynatma döyüşündə iştirak edən idmançılar qədim geyimlərə geyinir və keçmiş dövr ustalarının silahlarının surətləri ilə döyüşür;
- Səhnəvi qılıncoynatma – Soyuq silahla necə davranmaq lazım olduğunu baxımlı şəkildə nümayiş etdirən qılıncoynatma nöcüdür. Səhnəvi qılıncoynatma bir çox teatr tədris müəssisələrində dərs növüdür.
Fencing originated in Spain in the 15th century. This sport has gained great popularity there. In 1567, the Fencing Academy was founded by King Charles IX. If we consider the cultural side of the issue, we cannot overlook such a nuance as the motto of fencing. Molière said in 1650: "Fencing is the art of striking without being struck."
After some time, other countries began to participate in the development of fencing along with Spain. In 1765, the French proposed the use of special masks during fights to increase the safety of this sport.
This sport was included in the program of the first Olympic Games held in Athens. Therefore, it is not surprising that fencing has gained such popularity all over the world.
In 1913, the International Fencing Federation was established, and this body began to approve general rules for the popularization of this sport. European fencing championships have been held since 1906, and world championships have been held since 1937.
As for the rules, in fact most of them were formed in the Middle Ages. As before, now the main goal of every athlete (fencer) is to stab the opponent with a cold weapon and try to avoid the stings. The athlete who pins the opponent the most is declared the winner.
As in other sports, fencing is controlled and evaluated by a combat sports judge. The above-mentioned apparatus registers stings through lamps. How does this happen? Everything is very simple: electrical circuits are both on clothing and on weapons. These segments are connected to the device, through which the stings are recorded.
The International Fencing Federation (FIE) was founded in 1913 and includes more than 130 national federations.